Top 5 Essential Oils for Spring


Spring time is finally here! For me, Spring means new beginnings, time to come out of my winter hibernation and start enjoying the outdoors again. Spring also means time to clean – out with the old and in with the new. 

With that in mind I have two main goals for using essential oils during this time of year:  To clean the air (especially with all that pollen that’s floating around) and to energize my body as I prepare for longer days full of activities. So, here are my 5 favorite essential oils to use this time of year. 


Lemon: Lemon essential oil is great for cleaning. Combine 1 cup water with ½ cup white vinegar and add 15 drops each of lemon essential oil and tea tree oil to make a great chemical-free cleaner! Lemon is also a very uplifting happy scent. Perfect for getting you out of the winter blues and prepared for summer. I like to diffuse it in the mornings or create a mist to spray in my office at work. Be careful if applying it directly to the body- lemon oils are photosensitive and should be avoided with the sun. 


Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus oil is great for opening up the lungs and sinuses. This works wonders when you’re all stuffed up from springtime allergies. It also improves circulation and helps the body process allergens (such as pollen). You can add it to your diffuser or dilute with a carrier oil to apply directly to the body! 


Grapefruit: Grapefruit may be one of my favorite essential oils. I can’t help but smile when I smell it- it’s just so uplifting! Grapefruit is a great disinfectant and it may also help you lose weight. (Think about the summer bod you need to get ready for). Diluting grapefruit in a carrier oil and massaging it on your stomach has been shown to reduce abdominal fat and waist circumference. 


Peppermint: Peppermint is another vibrant essential oil great for springtime. It smells lively and invigorating- just like springtime should! Peppermint is great for sinuses and throats. Diluted it can be applied around the throat or chest area to relieve spring allergy symptoms or it can be diffused throughout the day to stimulate energy! 


Orange: Orange oil has a sweet, uplifting aroma that is wonderful in the spring. It is one of the most popular essential oils within aromatherapy and for good reason! Orange oil is cheerful and can help improve the aroma of a stale room (like after a long winter when all the windows have stayed shut blocking out any fresh air). It can also be used to clean hardwood floods.


So, if you couldn’t tell… I may have a thing for citrus oils- especially around this time of year. Their aromas are just so uplifting they really help me shake off any winter sluggishness. I love combining the citrus oils with peppermint to create an even more awakening scent! 

If you’re someone who suffers from spring-time allergies, then I highly suggest you try some of these natural remedies! Let me know what you think by sending me a message on Facebook, Instagram or through email! 

Dana Dragone