“I would consider myself a healthy eater and fit person in general but for the past few years, my energy levels have been increasingly low. I decided to meet with Dr. Dana to help sort things out. Not only was she SO easy to talk to and extremely knowledgable, but in just an hour and a half zoom meeting she was able to directly pinpoint what was wrong, and recommended me the absolute best nutrition and supplement plan that I have ever experienced. Not only was I eating more food than I was before but the quality of recipes and foods were so high, and in just the course of a few weeks my energy levels and overall sense of happiness have skyrocketed. My session with Dana has forever changed the way I think about food and I would highly recommend her services to everyone.”



“The detox was amazing! I feel much lighter. The second day I felt a little light-headed at first and was using the bathroom more than usual but overall I would do this detox again. It definitely helped me with my stomach problems and made me feel really good!”



“At first I was skeptical about the detox but Dana made it simple enough to follow and the foods all tasted great. I had so much energy by the 3rd day I didn’t even need my typical morning coffee. I was sleeping better throughout the night and woke up feeling thin and not bloated. There was plenty of food and snacks which kept my appetite under control. Completing this detox with Dana inspired me to incorporate more of these foods into my daily routine and aim for a mini detox every few weeks.”



“I started my detox diet in May. I immediately felt like I had more energy and my moods were more even. Because I am battling menopause, I have been carrying around an extra ten pounds that I couldn’t shake. I work out a few days a week and still couldn’t lose the weight around my abdomen. I lost twelve pounds in 6 weeks and have kept off ten of them 8 months later. The most impressive change had to do with my blood tests for my hypothyroidism. My endocrinologist was very impressed with Dana and her expertise as a nutritionist. She couldn’t believe that diet alone could improve my levels of TSH as she had been trying for years with levothyroxine. I always thought I ate well but Dana taught me how to eat even better!”



“ I have followed one of Dana’s detox programs for 3 days (and I keep on going with some ideas); I must say that I’ve been very surprised and excited by the amount and diversity of food and all the great recipes she matched together. I had great energy all the way and was never hungry. I follow her work and the diverse aspects she likes to cover about body, mind and spirit and their close intrinsic relationships. She’s been highly helpful, very responsive and brings a sweet taste of genuine care. A very lovely soul who could make a dramatic positive impact on the community, one soul at a time. I highly recommend her expertise, she’s a wealth of knowledge and is greatly open minded.
