What's the Deal about CBD?

Lately CBD seems to be everywhere- all sorts of people are marketing it, even more are taking it… but why? What does it do? What is CBD? 


What is CBD?

            CBD stands for cannabidiol. It is the 2nd most prevalent active ingredient in cannabis (marijuana) and it is derived directly from the hemp plant. CBD is not psychoactive and according to the World Health Organization there has been no evidence of public health related problems with the use of CBD to date. 


How does CBD work?

            The body has an endocannabinoid system which helps to keep it in balance aka “homeostasis.” CBD acts on this system to modulate inflammation and reduce the brains perception of pain. Pretty cool huh?


What is CBD good for?

            Stress: Recent animal studies have shown that CBD reduced blood pressure and heart rate of stressed animals. 

            Anxiety: Subjects with social anxiety given 600mg CBD prior to public speaking reported better speech performance and less anxiety and discomfort compared to placebo. Preclinical evidence also supports that CBD given acutely may be beneficial for disorders ranging from panic and social anxiety to obsessive-compulsive and post-traumatic stress. More research is currently being conducted but there are tons of case studies showing the success of CBD for anxiety and anxiety related disorders.

            Epilepsy: The strongest clinical evidence for the effectiveness of CBD has been shown in patients with epileptic disorders. Children in particular with disorders that are not responsive to conventional medications especially Dravet syndrome showed benefit and reduction of symptoms after taking CBD oil.  The FDA recently approved of a new CBD isolate drug called Epidiolex for the treatment of Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (another treatment resistant form of childhood-onset epilepsy) 

            Sleep:Remember that endocannabinoid system I mentioned earlier? Well, researchers believe it may play a role in sleep/ wake cycles as well. CBD has shown some clinical evidence to promote REM sleep and combat excessive daytime sleepiness. One study even showed it improved sleep duration and dream recall!

            Pain: CBD appears to work against pain by helping to decrease inflammation. Studies have even reported CBD was effective for mice experiencing chemo-induced neuropathic pain. More research is needed to address CBD’s effects in humans- but don’t worry, that research is underway as we speak!  


Is CBD legal/ where can I get it?

            In 2018 the Farm Bill was signed into law which legalized hemp in all forms including CBD. “CBD” has a few other names including “full-spectrum hemp extract” or “hemp oil,” which you may see on some product labels. Just be sure you don’t confuse it for “hemp seed oil” which is high in omega-3’s but does not contain CBD. 

            More and more natural health stores as well as online retailers are starting to carry CBD products and are a great place to shop! Check out the list below for my favorite brands and where to purchase them! 



          CBD Clinic Level 4 Pain Relief Cream

Adult dog Hemp Extract

Charlotte’s Web Hemp 17 mg Extract

CBD Oil 3mg- peppermint

CBD Clinic Level 5 Pain Relief Stick

CBD Turmeric and Ginger Tea


I am a HUGE fan of topical CBD cream/ointment. I love playing sports and being active, but let’s face it… I’m not getting any younger and with a few herniated discs, I tend to get sore pretty quick. Usually I rub a small amount of CBDClinic’s Level 4 cream on any sore spots and I wake up feeling just like new. I also get very painful menstrual cramps (TMI, I know… sorry) and rely on my CBD ointment to keep me functioning throughout the day.   


 I also love my CBD oil tincture and use it on a daily basis. I have anxiety (who doesn’t now a days?) and panic disorder but have noticed a huge difference in my mindset when I take CBD in the morning. There are tons of great brands out there, and Natural Partners online store has a ton of options. 


Did you know CBD is also great for animals!  Well, I just talked about a few studies that involved mice, but besides mice CBD has shown to be beneficial for dogs as well! My dog has some joint problems due to a tick-borne illness and will often limp for days after playing too hard or going for too long of a walk. Since giving her CBD she recovers much faster and is able to play longer! 


*If you’re thinking about starting to take CBD I strongly recommend you talk with your doctors to ensure it will not interact with any other medications you may be on. 

Dana Dragone