Medicine itself has spiritual roots. From tribe healers to medicine men/women, shamans and priests, healing has long been associated with spiritual practice. With the development of technology, health care has transitioned from a faith based practice to a scientific process. Yet, truly effective healthcare cannot ignore the role of spirituality in achieving health.
Spiritual and compassionate care involves the whole person- physical, mental, social and spiritual. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the human body is a microcosm of the universal macrocosm. In order to achieve optimal wellness, it is important to live in harmony with the world and nature around us. As the world has gotten sicker and more polluted, so have it’s inhabitants.
As sad as this sounds, how great it is that by improving your health and wellbeing on a small scale level, you’re also improving the health and wellbeing of the planet on a larger scale? Connecting with the universe on a spiritual level provides meaning and connectivity that stimulates healing.
Astrology, tarot, crystals, meditation, yoga, journaling, breathwork and prayer are just a few ways to enhance your connection with the universe through spirituality. Even something as simple as taking a walk through nature can be considered a spiritual practice. Whatever your denomination is or isn’t, spirituality is beneficial for you.
Research shows that those with a regular spiritual practice consistently have better health outcomes, especially when faced with disease or injury than those who don’t. They also have a lower rate of mortality, less anxiety and higher levels of self-esteem.
Connection with the universe and with yourself stimulates powerful healing benefits that can’t be fully explained by science. Ignoring spirituality’s role in healing would be like taking only half your medication and expecting your infection to go away.
Developing a spiritual practice is easy with a bit of guidance. Allow me to guide you through your spiritual journey, whether it’s facilitating a moon/ manifestation circle, scratching the surface of your birth chart to learn what makes you, you, participating in a tarot reading, teaching you how to use crystals or guiding a singing bowl meditation. Whatever you’re interested in- there is no wrong answer. Spirituality is what you make it.