Why I Joined the Waitlist for the Most Anticipated Facemask on the Market

You guys know by now that I consider myself somewhat of a health enthusiast. 

Yet, I have personally struggled with finding a facemask that’s effective, comfortable, cute, and that doesn’t give me acne (this last part being the HARDEST to find). Added bonus if it’s good for the environment- I can’t stand seeing disposable facemasks littering the streets. Then, out of the blue a mentor of mine introduced me to Aromahaelo. The answer to ALL of my facemask problems, and probably all of yours too.

Now you might be saying “A waitlist for a facemask? Really?” 

But honestly, yes. This facemask is going to change the game for facemasks.

Facemasks have become the new norm, and as much as some people may hate them, they help keep us safe and healthy. But what if your facemask had even more benefits than just helping to prevent the spread of disease? What if it could help you feel relaxed in a crowded room? Or energized when you’re feeling tired? Or even help you feel like you can breathe freely?

Well, Aromahaelo can do just that! And that’s why I cannot wait to get my hands on this product.


Aromahaelo is a two-ply gaiter -  hear me out before you start bashing gaiters. The CDC did not recommend the use of gaiters because they reported there is not enough research on whether they’re effective.  BUT, they do recommend wearing a facemask that has two or more layers, fits snuggly against the face and that completely covers your mouth and nose – ALL of which Aromahaelo does.  Oh, and the best part? Aromahaelo is made out of 100% natural materials, no plastic or polyester, that’s both antimicrobial and biodegradable!

Aromahaelo is CDC compliant and has the added benefit of combining aromatherapy with facemask protection. The aromatherapy pods act as your own personal diffuser with three different blends that you can switch out based on your mood or situation- now that’s what I’m talking about.

 As a certified aromatherapist you know I’m ALL about those essential oils and Aromahaelo makes it easy to use them in a safe and effective way. Plus, you don’t have to go out and purchase a ton of different oils and learn how to dilute them properly. Their pre-blended pods are easy to use, all you have to do is stick them inside the aromahaelo and you’ll have instant access to therapeutic aromas wherever you are.

I never in a million years thought I would be associating facemasks with luxury, but seriously, how can you not be chill while breathing in the scents of chamomile and lavender, citrus, or a blend of eucalyptus and bay laurel? It’s basically a mobile spa experience, or quite possibly the easiest self-care routine ever.


We already live in a stressful time with everything going on in the world, why wear a facemask that makes your life harder? Your facemask shouldn’t add stress, it should remove it, and that’s why I joined the waitlist to buy an Aromahaelo. So what are you waiting for? Go check them out and see for yourself what all the hype is about!



*Aromahaelo’s products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  Essential oils can be contraindicated for certain people. Consult your health care practitioner or a certified aromatherapist if you have questions about how to use them safely.








Dana Dragone