Root Wellness Co.

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Shungite: Protection from Harmful EMF's

Electromagnetic radiation surround us. It is emitted from our cell phones, computers, microwaves, TV sets… the list goes on and on. Pretty much any electronics you use give off some electromagnetic radiation. 


Now, I’ll be honest and say that I knew about this… BUT, I never really gave it much thought. I assumed (like most people do) that everyone has these devices and seem to be doing fine. Right?... well, not really. 


More and more people are becoming “electrically sensitive”- a term used to describe the health issues related to reactions from EMF exposure.


After speaking with my spiritual healer, she explained to me that one of the reasons I was not feeling well at work had to do with the fact that I was being bombarded with electromagnetic fields (EMF). All of the machines at the hospital combined with the Wi-Fi, fluorescent lights and steel from the kitchen equipment surrounding my office was overloading my system to the point that it just shut down. That’s when she recommended, I use Shungite.  


So, What is Shungite?

Shungite is a natural black non-crystalline mineraloid made up of 






- Kaliy

- Sulfur

- Calcium 



It is thought to be ~ 2 billion years old and is found only in the Karelia area of Russia. It contains fullerenes which are a known powerful antioxidant.  


Shungite is a powerful stone that can shield you from EMF given off by common devices. It is also a grounding stone with an excellent ability to help you make a connection to the earth and help you eliminate EMF overload. 


How to use it?

 Shungite can be purchased in a variety of forms including chips, jewelry, pyramids, and more. Amazon sells shungite stickers that can be placed on any electronic device including phones and laptops to help absorb EMF’s. You can carry a piece of shungite in your pocket or wear jewelry to help protect yourself wherever you go throughout the day. 


I keep a shungite pyramid on my desk at work and on my nightstand at home. I also keep a sticker on my phone and on my laptop. 


Do you need it?

So, are you wondering if you have electrical sensitivity? Here is a list of the common symptoms associated with this…

-      Dizziness, feeling spaced out, light headed 

-      Waking up tired 

-      Difficulty concentrating or focusing on issues 

-      Feeling generally unwell, lacking energy, tired and drained 

-      Memory loss and forgetfulness 

-      Sensitivity to light and noise 

-      Feeling over stimulated and nervous 

-      Bumping into things and general clumsiness

-      Severe headaches that come when near sources of electromagnetic radiation 

-      Joint and muscle pain and weakness

-      Insomnia 

-      Irritability 

-      Ringing in the ears, especially at night

-      Anxiety 

-      Heart pain and palpations 


Besides using shungite, it is also beneficial to ground yourself. Doing a grounding meditation or walking barefoot on the earth can help discharge built up electricity in the body.